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CCFE works with research organisations all over the world to bring fusion power closer to fruition.

As one of the grand challenges in science and engineering, fusion has always been an international endeavour. Pooling knowledge and resources advances progress towards the goal of almost limitless low-carbon energy.

As part of the Euratom agreement, we host the JET fusion experiment on behalf of researchers from 28 European countries. We are a member of the EUROfusion consortium and play a full part in the research activities in its common roadmap to fusion power.

CCFE is also heavily involved in ITER – the forthcoming major international experiment that is seen as the vital step to commercial fusion power. Through the EUROfusion and Fusion For Energy programmes we are providing key contributions to ITER science and technology in the run-up to its first plasma.

In total we have collaborations with over 35 nations, including almost all the other European fusion laboratories. As well as research, some partnerships involve the exchange of equipment; most notably Culham and Euratom donated the COMPASS-D tokamak to the Czech fusion association.

Fusion scientists

In the UK, we have active links with physics, materials science and engineering departments in nearly 30 UK universities. Many involve PhD students – most based at Culham, the rest at their universities – while in others, academics based in the university work with fusion researchers at Culham. The universities of York, Durham, Liverpool and Manchester have formed a Doctoral Training Network in fusion, with funding from EPSRC. Other groups with strong links to CCFE include the University of Warwick’s Centre for Fusion, Space and Astrophysics and the University of Oxford’s Materials Department and Plasma Theory Group.

Map of partner universities

Please contact us if your institution is interested in working with us.

With the new MAST Upgrade tokamak at Culham, there are even more opportunities for collaboration. CCFE will be looking for input at all levels to develop diagnostics and other systems for the machine.

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