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Home / Programmes / JET Decommissioning and Repurposing

The next chapter in JET’s life cycle

Repurposing and decommissioning JET will provide invaluable insight into making future fusion machines more sustainable and cost-effective

JET’s history began more than 50 years ago, with an extensive design and planning process paving the way for four decades of groundbreaking and world-changing research.

Repurposing and decommissioning (JDR) represents the next stage of JET’s life cycle, and the projects which will be undertaken until c.2040 will provide a foundation for significant developments within the planning and engineering of fusion machines and power plants, such as ITER, STEP and DEMO.

JDR encompasses cutting edge scientific research into detritiation and characterisation, developing technologies and techniques for use within remote handling environments, and ground-breaking engineering.

All of which will contribute to successfully delivering the programme and demonstrating that fusion machines can be sustainable from both an environmental and financial perspective.

JDR’s first two years will be focused on research and development, which will inform the next stages of the programme’s delivery.

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List of current projects:


Planning characterisation work and gathering initial samples from active areas


Repurposing essential assets for EUROfusion, repurposing opportunities, knowledge capture

Sample Retrieval

Ensuring facilities are ready for sample retrieval, retrieving vessel samples, processing


Size reduction and waste processing studies


Detritiation experiments, recipes, value-for-money report

Auxiliary Buildings De-plant and Demolition

Preparation for release of buildings and space for alternative use within Campus masterplan

Enabling and Operations Support

Preparation of tokamak and conventional de-plant laydown areas, large item size reduction studies

J1 Active Systems De-plant

Feasibility and planning studies. Purges and isolations. Enabling works for de-plant

J1 Conventional De-plant

Feasibility and planning studies. Purges and isolations.

J1 Tokamak Ex-Vessel Decommissioning

Feasibility studies for ex-vessel dismantling, purges and isolations

J1 Tokamak In-Vessel Decommissioning

Full preparation for in-vessel work to begin in tranche 2

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